Research shows that when you feel confident about the way you look you feel better about yourself. As a Hair Stylist for over 10 years I agree. I have personally seen woman and men come into the salon with poor body language and appearing disheveled. Once I complete their service “they could have eaten a banana sideways” Zig Ziglar. The Guest seems transformed and appears like they could conquer the world.
Tim Hyland from University of University of Pennsylvania stats “Research has shown that attractive people are treated better by others, and seen in a more favorable light by others, than less attractive people.” I believe this is why the transformation happens in the hair salon. Sometimes I view hair and makeup as armor because it can give you a sense of security out in the world.
According to Glamour, a new survey found that what men really want is silky, healthy hair. The hard numbers:
74% of men indicated that they notice women because of their hair.
82% of men indicated that sexy hair is a key element to a woman’s overall sex appeal.
60% of men surveyed say they would rather date a woman with great hair than a woman with big breasts.
78% of men surveyed consider healthy hair to be a turn-on.
In my industry we always make the joke men date blondes but marry brunnettes. Go figure there might be some truth to this. According to the Daily Mail, Badoo, a social network site, polled over 2,000 British men about the features they find most attractive in the opposite sex, and more than 60 percent said they “preferred raven-haired beauties over their blonde counterparts.” 60 percent! Of this percentage, 33.1 percent of guys “said they find brown hair the most attractive, while 28.6 said they liked black.” Meanwhile, 29.5 percent of guys said they’re (still) really attracted to blondes, and only 8.8 percent voted for redheads.
On a more serious note the American Cancer Society. In 2002 the program released findings of a survey showing that “86 percent of women cancer patients said that looking good helps them feel better and gives them more confidence to cope with their disease.” I have personal experience with this. I have had Guests prior to chemo treatments come into the salon for me to simply shave their head. Of coarse that is something they could do themselves. However, when Guests come into the salon it is not only for a hair service it is for a salon experience. A salon experience is where a human being takes care of another human being.
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